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Planned updates


Coming up with any type of Marketplace is never easy. Certainly more so when you plan to run a niche type of community where so many things change on a daily, if not hourly basis. As we are run by artists for artists, we need to keep up with the times, see what works and what doesn't and rely on feedback from the community to see what they would like to see added and what needs to be removed.

We are planning a few huge features ready for when we launch. These are:

Patreon style subscriptions - Pending

With the growing number of people using Patreon style websites, we thought it would be a good idea for artists to be able to offer their followers and other users, a way that they could release bonus content and information via a subscription service. This allows a user to follow an artist for a set fee each month (set by the artist themselves) to gain additional content and access. This has proven to work on various subscription based websites.

Wallet System - Completed

We understand the global economy at the present time and realise how hard it is for people to even live, let alone purchase things they would like to splash out on. That is why we are implementing a wallet system. This will allow the user (and even artist) to have a virtual wallet on VIP Merch, where they can top it up whenever they like (Recharge) and it will keep the balance in the wallet as long as needed. When completing checkout, the system will ask whether you would like to use what is in the wallet or pay by another method. This is especially handy for those who would like to put money aside for purchases in the future.

Request Directory - Pending

Searching Facebook Groups, we have seen a lot of posts from artists looking for staff. Whether it be Merchandise sellers, Tour Managers, Riggers, Transport Providers or FOH, we have seen there is a need. That is why we are developing a system where artists can post their requirements on VIP Merch and providers can submit a quote directly from this system, with a completely different profile setup, showing credits, images, contact information, social media information etc. We are planning for it to be the 'Indeed' of the entertainment industry.